From Principal’s Desk
I am proud to mention that this is a Pioneer institution, dedicated to excellence and has completed a decade now and right from its inception, it has strived to maintain the high academic standards in the field of nursing education. Our institution plays a vital role in shaping nursing students by preparing them to provide high-quality patient care in par with national and international standards. We focus on discovering, developing and drawing out the hidden talents and potential within our students.
We strive to prepare knowledgeable, caring, compassionate and highly skilled nursing professionals who serve the humanity selflessly. We are integrating value-based education with modern teaching and learning methods, producing a generation that is not only knowledgeable but also emotionally resilient and strong. We aims to create leaders in the nursing profession by providing unique, innovative programmes that are responsive to the market need, keeping in mind the rapid advances in the health care sector in India as well as aboard.
We have excellent facilities to develop the skills and the qualities of our students required for excelling in their profession. We provide conductive environment, for the overall development of students. Our institution paves way for the learners to express their skills talents to face the world in on enthusiastic and courageous manner.
At our Nursing College, our curriculum and teaching-learning activities follow the syllabus and guidelines as given by the Indian Nursing Council (INC), New Delhi. We have a team of experienced and qualified faculty members who guide and nurture students to achieve their goals within the framework of planned and structured teaching-learning process blended with co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
With best Wishes & Regards
Prof. Dr. B. Camala. RN. RM. M.Sc. (N). Ph.D. (N)
IQ City Institute of Nursing Sciences